AFE Stories
Below are the personal stories of women and their families who have been affected by or lost to amniotic fluid embolism (AFE). Each story is unique and offers insight into what others have experienced. Our desire is to feature these stories to lessen the feelings of isolation that often accompany AFE.
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It was Sunday, July 22, 2018 and I was 40.2 weeks and admitted to begin what was expected to be a typical process to induce labor. The next morning, I received an epidural and all was going well. At 5 cm I began to feel nauseated, which of itself is not usually a red flag. I was also...
AFE Survivor Cali
My daughter and I had just gotten home from church and were taking a nap as she was 2 and I was 21 weeks pregnant. My husband, Josh, checked on us, made himself a pizza and then went downstairs to watch TV. When I called him on his phone he giggled to himself, thinking I was going to ask him to...
AFE Survivor Angela A.
It’s been hard for me to talk about what happened. I blocked everything out of my head, but I know years later I’m “ starting “ to heal. I think of what I’ve been through, what my family has been through, and think to myself, thank God for things turning out as they did. I was going to the...
AFE Survivor Sara
The last thing I remember is the day before delivery day walking through the rose garden and not feeling well. I went into labor one week before my due date, at home early in the morning. It started with bleeding but once I got to the hospital everything looked good so I continued to labor. By...
In Memory of Molley
Molley at her wedding with her mom and sister. A truly bright shining light, always smiling, loving, compassionate, every good thing--that was Molley. A dedicated wife, daughter, sister, family member, and sweet friend to all, Molley was ready to take on her most anticipated role yet as...
AFE Survivor Katie
On August 31st, 2017, at 41+3 weeks pregnant, my husband and I got the news that I would be induced that morning and we would finally be meeting our baby girl. We had been so anxious the past several weeks and we were SO ready for this. The day was normal for the most part, I felt good and even...