Join us for a soul-filling cycle class on AFE Awareness Day! Join AFE survivor, Stephanie Arnold, on March 27th, 2019 at 7:45 PM for a special “Spin for a Cause” at the SoulCycle Chicago Southport studio. $60 donation includes class, shoe and towel rental. The $60 represents the 60 units of life-saving blood products Stephanie required during her AFE. All proceeds benefit the AFE Foundation. You don’t have to love spin to love the cause. If you can’t join, make a donation and help Stephanie reach her goal of $1,000!
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
7:45 PM Class (7:15 PM arrival)
Southport 3423 N.
Southport Ave Chicago, IL 60657

Stephanie suffered from placenta accreta and an amniotic fluid embolism during the birth of her second child which led to cardiac arrest and uncontrolled bleeding. Stephanie received 60 units of blood to save her life. Stephanie currently serves on the board of directors for the AFE Foundation, speaks on patient advocacy to organizations like the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), medical institutions and nursing organizations (AWHONN). She was the face for the legislative campaign When Seconds Count (ASA) and also for the mother’s day LifeSource program, helping to educate about blood donation. She has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for Northwestern Memorial Hospital’s Prentice Women’s Hospital and continues to raise money for research and education into one of the leading causes of maternal death in the world.

SoulCycle is a 45-minute indoor cycling class that features high-intensity cardio, muscle-sculpting strength training, and rhythm-based choreography. But it’s so much more than just a workout — it’s a powerful mind-body experience!
This was a great event. Over $1500 was raised. Thank you to all who participated.