In February 2013, we announced our second pregnancy and short time later, learned we were having twin girls! We were told it would be considered a high risk pregnancy because the babies were sharing a placenta. I was carefully monitored to ensure that each was getting enough nutrients. I began having doctors appointments every two weeks and eventually began being seen weekly. We were very happy during the first trimester despite my dealing with nausea and sickness on top of chasing around my one year old. Then, we had quite a scare when we learned one of the babies had stopped growing. We were told that I would need to deliver at 36 weeks by c-section.
On my scheduled delivery day so we arrived at our local hospital, got prepared and prayed with our family and visitors. Baby A was delivered perfectly, and Baby B soon after and was handed off to the nurses. Once we received word that they were doing well we were moved to recovery. Suddenly, I was experiencing a bad headache, and the nurse began calling the OB-GYN office and said someone needed to come over now because I was bleeding so much. So, another doctor came in. All I can remember at this point, is that they kicked my husband out and told him they were taking me back to the operating room. The anesthesiologist said, “Honey everything is going be ok but I have put you under”.
My family has told me a code blue was announced as my lungs collapsed. I had a emergency hysterectomy and when when they opened me back up I had a 2 liters of blood just laying there. After surgery I was sent to the ICU. I had a blood clot go to my hand, congestive heart failure, chest tubes, and a PICC line inserted. The next day, I was finally stable enough to be transferred to OSU by Life Flight. Our doctor at Lancaster Ohio Fairfield Medical Center had seen an AFE one other time. He stayed with me through the night. At OSU, I had many surgeries and spent two weeks in the ICU and finally was moved to the cardiology wing of the hospital. After a month in the hospital, and many tests I was finally able to go home and see my girl for the first time.