If you think it’s an AFE, call us! 1-307-363-2337 (1-307-END-AFES)

If you think it’s an AFE, call us!

1-307-363-2337 (1-307-END-AFES)

Show your #endAFE Support!

We have partnered with Sauce, a video crowdsourcing platform, to be able to upload all of your AFE awareness videos and photos into one place! This will allow us to stitch together your videos and show just how incredible our community of support really is!

Here are the instructions to upload your videos.

1. Download the Sauce Video App. 
2. Register
3. Copy and paste this sauce code: 74e12c78
4. Review the shot lists we are looking for 
5. Back on the main page click “add to project”
6. Take a video or choose from you gallery (LANDSCAPE MODE ONLY). 
7. Click the edit option. (Box with pencil)
8. Click upload (Box with arrow)
9. Select “Add to Project”
10. Title with your first name and select the appropriate shot list

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Help us #endAFE!

The AFE Foundation is funded by donations. Every dollar goes toward our support, research, and education programs. We are committed to turning donations into action, including yours.