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If you think it’s an AFE, call us!

1-307-363-2337 (1-307-END-AFES)

In Memory of Hue-Lien

When Hue-Lien learned early in 1989 she would be having a baby that December, she couldn’t wait to share the news with her husband and 8 year old son. “This Christmas you are getting the precious gift of a daughter and sister”, she shared with them.⠀

On December 23rd, she did indeed give them the most perfect of gifts, her daughter, Lisa. Sadly Hue-Lien was lost to complications from an AFE. She would not celebrate Christmas with her new baby girl or her family. ⠀

Although devastated by her passing, her family took comfort in the ancient Vietnamese culture that the loss of life through childbirth is one of the most spiritually grounding events, known as Linh thiên. Lisa and her brother Giang-Nam were also taught that their mother’s tragic death would also mean there would be ultimate protection over them. ⠀

Hue-Lien is remembered with great reverence by all who knew and loved her. She was a loving daughter, nurturing sister, and kind to all. She was “the world’s best mother” to Giang-Nam and had a special way to reach him that others could not. ⠀

Raised by her grandparents and many family members, Lisa grew up learning a great deal about her mother through the countless stories they shared. “For my birthday, we have a tradition where we visit her and then my dad takes extra care to spoil me”, shares Lisa, who is turning 28 this weekend. “Although she and my grandparents are gone, I take comfort in knowing she is watching over us”. ⠀

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