If you think it’s an AFE, call us! 1-307-363-2337 (1-307-END-AFES)

If you think it’s an AFE, call us!

1-307-363-2337 (1-307-END-AFES)

AFE Support
AFE Survivors

We Understand

If you, or a loved one, have recently experienced an amniotic fluid embolism we are here to help.

An amniotic fluid embolism is unexpected and exceptionally traumatic event and may result in lasting physical and emotional effects. Although each case of AFE and the recovery are unique, many AFE survivors report similar challenges.

Our goal is to help you better understand the physical and emotional impacts after returning home and guide you on your path to healing.

Three AFE Survivor women.

A Guide to Healing AFE Survivors

Experiencing an amniotic fluid embolism can be overwhelming, confusing, and lead to feelings of sadness and isolation. You are not alone and there is hope!

Our AFE Survivor Guide was developed based on the feedback from over 1,200 AFE survivors who  have shared their experiences with us. In it you’ll find:

  • More about amniotic fluid embolism
  • Answers to commonly asked questions
  • How and where to find support
  • And ways you can help #endAFE
AFE Survivor Guide offering important information and resources to aid AFE Survivors in navigating their physical and emotional health after an amniotic fluid embolism.
AFE Survivor on laptop looking at AFE Directory.

NEW AFE Survivor Directory!

Our AFE Survivor Directory will allow you to search for others who share a similar experience and perspective. You will need to create an account and add your profile to access the directory.

Peer Support

Facebook Support Groups

Suffering from an AFE and birth trauma can feel extremely isolating. Connecting to others who understand can be an important part of your healing journey.

Zoom Peer Support​

Our monthly small group peer support meetings connect you with others who share a similar timeline and may be experiencing similar emotions and challenges. Groups are facilitated by an LCSW and birth trauma expert.

Help us #endAFE!

The AFE Foundation is funded by donations. Every dollar goes toward our support, research, and education programs. We are committed to turning donations into action, including yours.