If you think it’s an AFE, call us! 1-307-363-2337 (1-307-END-AFES)

If you think it’s an AFE, call us!

1-307-363-2337 (1-307-END-AFES)

AFE Foundation is Co-Author and Presenter of New Safety Bundle

AFE Foundation founder, Miranda Klassen, recently co-authored a new Safety Bundle as part of the Safety Action Series for The Council on Patient Safety in Women’s Health Care. The bundle, Patient, Family, and Staff Support After a Severe Maternal Event, was developed to address the emotional needs of all of those affected after a maternal death or near death experience. Safety bundles are the latest trend in providing clinicians with access to information, toolkits, and resources to ensure quality measures are in place.

We are exceptionally honored to work alongside the fantastic team that put this bundle together. We know firsthand the emotional toll an AFE takes on everyone.

You can help us effectuate change. Share this bundle with your contacts in the Labor and Delivery Community. Share this Safety-Action-Series postcard with them. Or have them visit http://www.safehealthcareforeverywoman.org/ and create a login to access the complete bundle.

November-2015-Safety-Action-Series copy

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